Or not
Demonstrating once again the double edged nature of modern communications, an NFL player has gotten in trouble for Facebooking. Atlanta Falcons rising fourth year reserve offensive tackle Quinn Ojinnaka was arrested Friday after a domestic altercation with his wife who had confronted him over contact with another woman via the monster social network Facebook. He says she started it when she tried to stab him with a pen, Quinn in turn did the chivalrous thing and threw her down the stairs and then out the house.
I must be the last guy on the planet not on Facebook, everywhere I go everyone is on it and connecting with everybody. Friends, family, classmates, old girlfriends, friends of friends and that girl that posts 200 status updates a day. Young, old, for business, for personal use, minimalists that lurk and new generation exhibitionists that do not know the meaning of the word privacy, it is a wonder to behold and check this out:
Time spent on social networking, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc, overtook time spent on email, this year in February. Remember this moment, 2009 was the year web 2.0 really arrived. A link to the original Nielsen study is here (PDF).
No matter how far into the future we get there is one thing that never changes: your wife does not want you getting too familiar with another woman. For those of you that had not previously realized this I advise you to write it down and put it in your wallet.
Quinn Ojinnaka: uncredited image from here.